Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Sacrifice of Praise - Darlene Zschech

I love to share on the subject of worship, for no other reason than because I LOVE TO WORSHIP GOD!!

When you worship, the Holy Spirit can speak and be heard. Worship enables your heart to be open and to receive.

Worship is a positive act. Its essence is something given, not given up, a free will offering which embodies and reflects the selfless generosity of God.
The worship songs and hymns we sing are not Christian jingles or "ditties". They are words of life, full of faith and hope. They reflect the heart of God for His children. They inspire us with statements like:

When mountains fall, I'll stand
By the power of Your hand
And in Your heart of hearts I'll dwell
And that my soul knows very well.

Melodies and music have a dynamic ability to involve your soul - to connect with your heart, emotion and mind. When they are saturated with the anointing of God, they become a powerful tool which, when used effectively and not manipulatively, become an incredible blessing.

When Paul and Silas were in jail, they worshipped God. They knew He would never fail them. Suddenly, while they were worshipping there came an incredible sound, breaking through all natural barriers and God delivered them from that prison.
True sacrifice is always an act of generosity - the giving of your self. Without it, worship can easily degenerate into emotional admiration.

Paul and Silas were definitely not just lost in the happiness of the moment - there was not too much to be happy about at the time, but they had faith in their God!
There have been many times in my life when, as I started singing and praising God in the midst of a hard time, the Holy Spirit has literally come and "lifted me up" above my circumstances.

All the troubles that can be thrown on you in life pale into insignificance when compared to the promises of God. It is powerful to actually vocalise these promises and let your spirit and soul rise to the level where the heart of God says: "It's OK - trust Me. Have faith in Me and My ability, not yourself and your ability."
When we start to sing and praise God, we are choosing to lay all things aside, to lift up our hands, to open our hearts and confess the life we have found in Christ.

When I am weak, You make me strong
When I'm poor, I know I'm rich
For in the power of Your Name
All things are possible

Praise releases faith. It's a fact. So praise Him! Sing with all your heart. Smile in the face of impossibility and \declare that through God All things are Possible!
We were created to rise up and worship, to spend time in the presence of God. It doesn't give us a quick fix, and a "feel good" session. Literally, the Spirit of God starts to change us from inside as we learn to open ourselves up to Him and what He is saying to us.

You can never underestimate God's holiness, power and divinity in your life, or on the ministry of worship. The more time we spend in God's presence worshipping Him, the more we begin to hear and know His voice. His power becomes real and evident in our lives and we become more like Jesus.

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