Many are CALLED but few are CHOSEN John 15:16
Lately God has been speaking to me about being a musician and singer in the King’s house. We’ve been called to serve in the King’s house, and it’s the biggest honor you could possibly have in this lifetime.
The day came when I was faced with a choice to serve the Lord, and for me, from that time there was no going back. I wanted to give Him 100%, and I didn’t care if it meant stacking chairs. Better one day in His house than a thousand days anywhere else.
The privilege and honor of serving God is awesome. There is a continual feast in the King’s house, and I see it like the parable Jesus told in Matthew 22.
He described the Kingdom of heaven like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. Then he sent his servants to the invited guests to tell them it was ready, but they refused to come. The king sent servants once again, but the guests paid no attention and made excuses why they couldn’t attend.
There is such a feast all the time in the King’s house, and God is always saying “Come”. The invitation is open to us, and all we have to do is RSVP.
There is always a little bit of fear in us to step into what God has for us, (even though we really want to be there). But He has prepared the way and the banquet table is ready foryou.
We have all the reasons and excuses why we can’t, but don’t let things like negative mindsets or lack of confidence hold you back from running into the King’s house and serving Him.
God is a builder, not a magician, and the most worthwhile things in life are built over time. There is no quick instant way to all God has for you but all He needs to know is that you will be willing and obedient to His call on your life.
When my husband, Mark, chose me as his bride, I didn’t have all the skills I needed, but I knew that I was chosen and that I was dearly loved. When we were married I was very young and lived in a world of insecurity, but I desperately wanted to have a great marriage. Because I believed in the future that was before us, and God was the centre of our lives, I knew it would work. It would have been very easy for me to choose to stay in my insecure world and believe lies instead of truth, but in doing that I would have forfeited our incredible future together. This same principle applies to you.
The wedding feast is ready, all you have to do is RSVP to Jesus Christ and His call on your life. You don’t have to know it all, but you do have to accept the invitation.
The one who calls you is faithful and He will DO it. 1 Thess 5:24
I thank God for that scripture. You need to know that with Christ you CAN, and with Christ, you WILL!
You have to ask yourself the question: “Am I really doing all that I can to serve in the King’s house? As a worshipper of Christ, am I walking away from my fears and putting my trust in His ability and not my lack?”
Worship is the very first commandment: To love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all of your strength. Worship should be a priority in your life – to love Jesus, to put Him first in your life and to serve Him, whatever He calls you to do. Live to delight the heart of God!
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