As I was preparing to write an article for worship leaders this month I just couldn't bring myself to do anything but pray. Therefore, this is simply one worship leader's prayer for worship leaders around the world in this time of need.
Lord, as I ponder the horrific events of terror that have recently taken place in New York and Washington D.C., I find that in the midst of my tears, there is a resolve in my spirit to stand up and be counted for You and Your kingdom like never before. Therefore, I pray for worship leaders everywhere and ask that You move them into action like You're moving on me. There is no question that this is our moment!
Churches are filling up everywhere. People want to somehow feel close to You, God. In Exodus 33:14-16, You said that it's Your presence that distinguishes us from all the people of the Earth. People are so longing for Your comfort and a sense of Your nearness. Raise us up oh Lord. Let us be strong and courageous as we act as Your ushers to welcome lost and hurting people to Your throne, to Your glory and Your grace, to Your salvation and Your peace, to Your hope and love, and to the sweetness of Your life giving presence!
Give worship leaders songs that will help the nations cry out to You. Give them prayers that will pierce through the darkness. Give them creative passion that will help them take your presence to new places in fresh new ways. God, when their hearts begin to ache for America and other nations who have strayed so far from You, let them ache all the more so they will be moved like You are moved - so that they will act quickly, gracefully, and continuously!
Thank you Lord for letting us be Your ambassadors in this pivotal time in Your Church. What an unspeakable privilege it is that You've chosen us to have a small part in all this - that You picked us to be a part of this chosen generation that would declare Your praises in this dark time! In the end, may we look back and say that this was the beginning of the greatest spiritual awakening in the history of the Church. May we be able to say that this was when you could hear the praises of God ringing in every church and every street. May we be able to say that this was the time when the nations began to gather together and sing out the name of Jesus as the name that is above all names. May we say that these were the times when worship leaders and worship teams from everywhere led the battle like never before. Let it be Lord, let it be!
And give us courage Lord Jesus, to wave the banner of Your Gospel high! This is a time when it is so wrong to proclaim a faith that is utterly exclusive. Yet while we know that Acts 4: 12 says that there is only one name by which men can be saved, we know that through Your blood, we profess the most inclusive faith of all. For in John 3:17, the Word says that You did not come to condemn the Earth but that the world, meaning the whole world, could be saved through You! So as worship leaders who represent a historic Church, rich in the tradition of declaring Your truth and love in song, we promise to make Your name Jesus, the most famous name of all!
And though we are hard pressed on every side, we are not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed. [2 Cor. 4: 8]
We are known, yet regarded as unknown, dying and yet we live on, beaten and yet not killed, sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, poor yet making many rich, having nothing yet possessing everything. [2 Cor. 6: 9, 10]
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race that's marked out for us. [Heb. 12: 1-3]
I believe You hear this humble prayer Lord Jesus. Now be ever with us as we boldly take every opportunity to give You all the glory, honor, and power that You so deserve! Amen.
©2001 Tommy Walker
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